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- Vertical and horizontal databases in itemset mining
- CFP: PM4B 2005: A new workshop on pattern mining and machine learning in bioinformatics @ PAKDD 2025
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- End of my term as associate editor for Array
- Computer Science Journals and Conferences with the most withdrawals in 2023
- Reducing the cost of web hosting…
- SPMF 2.62 is released!
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- Introduction to the K-Means clustering algorithm (with Java code) | The Data Blog on Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey)
- Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey) | The Data Blog on Introduction to the K-Means clustering algorithm (with Java code)
- Joop on A simple BAT script to unzip ZIP files in all sub-directories
- Vertical and horizontal databases in itemset mining | The Data Blog on Introduction to the Apriori algorithm (with Java code)
- Philippe Fournier-Viger on What is a maximal itemset?
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Tag Archives: data science
Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey)
If you are interested by categorical data clustering, I am glad to announce that a new and up-to-date survey paper named “Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes” will appear on this topic in the Expert Systems with Applications journal. … Continue reading
The story of the most influential paper award of PAKDD 2024
Recently, I have attended the PAKDD 2024 conference, where I was happy to receive the most influential paper award with my co-authors. This award is a test of time type of award that is given to the paper from PAKDD … Continue reading
Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining
Tagged award, data mining, data science, pakdd, pakdd2014, pakdd2024, pattern mining, sequential pattern
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A brief report about PAKDD 2024
This week, I have attended PAKDD 2024 in the city of Taipei. It was a great conference with good keynote speakers, activities and opportunities for learning and networking. In this blog post, I will give a brief overview of the … Continue reading
Posted in Big data, Conference, Data Mining
Tagged big data, conference, data mining, data science, kdd, machine learning, pakdd, pakdd conference, pakdd2024
SPMF 2.60 is released!
This is a short message today to announce that the new version of SPMF 2.60 is finally released! This is a major version as it contains many new things. The full lists of changes can be found on the download … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Java, Pattern Mining, spmf
Tagged algorithms, data mining, data science, fast, implementations, java, open source, pattern mining, software, spmf
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Some interesting statistics about SPMF
While I am preparing the next version of Java SPMF data mining software (2.60), here are some interesting statistics about the project, that I have generated directly from the metadata provided by SPMF. Here it is: The number of algorithms … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Data science, spmf
Tagged big data, data mining, data science, itemset mining, pattern mining, spmf
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SPMF 2.60 is coming soon!
Today, I want to talk a little bit about the next version of SPMF that is coming very soon. Here is some highlights of the upcoming features: 1) A Memory Viewer to help monitor the performance of algorithms in real-time: … Continue reading
A new survey paper on episode mining!
I am pleased to announce today that my collaborators and I have published a new survey paper about episode mining to give an introduction to this nice and interesting subfield of pattern mining. To our knowledge this is the most … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining
Tagged data mining, data science, episode, episode mining, event sequence, pattern mining, sequence, survey
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SPMF: upcoming feature: The Memory Viewer
Today, I would like to introduce an upcoming feature that will be released in the next version of SPMF (v. 2.60). It is a tool called the Memory Viewer. This tool is very simple yet useful for investigating the performance … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Data science, open-source, Pattern Mining, spmf
Tagged data mining, data science, java, memory, open source, pattern, pattern mining, spmf
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An Interactive Demo of The Apriori algorithm
I have created a new website for students that provides an interactive demo of the Apriori algorithm. It allows to run Apriori in your browser and see the results step by step. The website is here: Apriori Algorithm Demo To … Continue reading
Free Pattern Mining Course
Hi all, this is to let you know that I have developed a free pattern mining course that you can watch online. The course is designed to introduce students or researchers to the different topics of pattern mining and explain … Continue reading