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- Vertical and horizontal databases in itemset mining
- CFP: PM4B 2005: A new workshop on pattern mining and machine learning in bioinformatics @ PAKDD 2025
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- An ethical issue in the Elsevier “International Journal of Hydrogen Energy” ?
- End of my term as associate editor for Array
- Computer Science Journals and Conferences with the most withdrawals in 2023
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- SPMF 2.62 is released!
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- Introduction to the K-Means clustering algorithm (with Java code) | The Data Blog on Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey)
- Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey) | The Data Blog on Introduction to the K-Means clustering algorithm (with Java code)
- Joop on A simple BAT script to unzip ZIP files in all sub-directories
- Vertical and horizontal databases in itemset mining | The Data Blog on Introduction to the Apriori algorithm (with Java code)
- Philippe Fournier-Viger on What is a maximal itemset?
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Tag Archives: episode mining
Sneak peak at the new user interface of SPMF (part 2)
Today, I will continue to show you some upcoming features of SPMF 2.60, on which some work is ongoing. This new version of SPMF should be released in the coming weeks. The new feature that I will talk about today … Continue reading
Posted in spmf
Tagged algorithm, data mining, episode, episode mining, event sequence, open source, pattern mining, patterns, spmf, time interval data, timeline, timeline viewer, tirp, visualization
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A new survey paper on episode mining!
I am pleased to announce today that my collaborators and I have published a new survey paper about episode mining to give an introduction to this nice and interesting subfield of pattern mining. To our knowledge this is the most … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining
Tagged data mining, data science, episode, episode mining, event sequence, pattern mining, sequence, survey
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(video) Introduction to episode mining
If you want to learn more about frequent episode mining, I have put online a new video that gives an introduction to this topic. To watch the video, you can download it from my website here or watch it from … Continue reading
Three videos about Recent Studies on Pattern Mining
In this blog post, I will share three videos about pattern mining describing three research papers from from my team. These videos are not very long, as they are designed to just give a brief overview about the papers. Hope … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Pattern Mining, Video
Tagged episode mining, pattern mining, video
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An Introduction to Episode Mining
In this blog post, I will talk about pattern mining (finding patterns in data) data mining task called episode mining. It aim at discovering interesting patterns in a long sequence of symbols or events. Sequence data is an important type … Continue reading
Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining
Tagged big data, data mining, data science, Emma, episode, episode mining, HUE-span, Minepi, pattern mining, sequential pattern, tke, utility mining
Key Papers about High Utility Itemset Mining
In this blog post, I will talk about the most important algorithms for high utility itemset mining. I will present a list of algorithms that is of course subjective (according to my opinion). I did not list all the papers of … Continue reading