Tag Archives: periodic pattern

Test your knowledge about periodic pattern mining

Periodic pattern mining is a data mining technique used to discover periodic patterns in a sequence of events. Algorithms for periodic pattern mining have many applications. I have prepared 10 questions to evaluate your knowledge of periodic pattern mining. You … Continue reading

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Discovering the Top-K Stable Periodic Patterns in a Sequence of Events

In this blog post, I will give a brief introduction to the TSPIN paper about how to find stable periodic patterns in a sequence of events. This algorithm was presented in this research paper: Fournier-Viger, P., Wang Y., Yang, P., … Continue reading

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Happy New Year 2023!

To all readers of this blog, I would like to wish you a happy new year 2023! Recently, I have been very busy due to the end of semester and also having COVID. But now, I am fully recovered. Two … Continue reading

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(video) Periodic Pattern Mining

Hi all, this is to let you know that I have made another video to explain some interesting pattern mining topics. This time, I will talk about periodic pattern mining. You can watch the video here: (pdf / ppt / video – 34 min)  … Continue reading

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Key Papers about Periodic Pattern Mining

In this blog post, I will list the key algorithms for periodic itemset mining (according to me) with comments about their contributions. Of course, this list is subjective. I did not list all the papers of all authors but I … Continue reading

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An Overview of Pattern Mining Techniques

In this blog post, I will give an overview of some of the main pattern mining tasks, to explain what kind of patterns can be found in different types of symbolic data. I will describe some main types of data … Continue reading

Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining, Utility Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 20 Comments

(video) Identifying Stable Periodic Frequent Patterns using SPP-Growth

Today, I present a video about finding stable periodic patterns in data, and discuss a new algorithm named SPP-Growth for this task. VIDEO LINK: https://www.philippe-fournier-viger.com/spmf/videos/SPPGrowth.mp4 The  SPP-Growth algorithm and datasets for evaluating its performance are available in the SPMF software, which is open-source and programmed in Java. Source code and … Continue reading

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Periodic patterns in Web log time series

Recently, I have analysed trends about visitors on this blog. I have made two observations. First, there is about 500 to 1000 visitors per day. For this, I want to thank you all for reading and commenting on the blog.  Second, if we … Continue reading

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