Author Archives: Philippe Fournier-Viger

Reducing the cost of web hosting…

I am hosting my websites for more than 15 years on a web hosting service called IONOS (formerly 1and1), which is not free. I do this because it gives me a lot of flexibility for making websites. However, today, I … Continue reading

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SPMF 2.62 is released!

This is a short blog post to announce that SPMF 2.62 is released, and can be downloaded from the SPMF website‘s download page. The previous version of SPMF (2.60) introduced a lot of new features, also with some code refactoring, … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, open-source, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

My research is open-source

Since the last decade, I have taken the decision to publish most of the algorithms that I develop in my research, freely, as part of the open-source SPMF data mining software that I have founded. The goal is that anyone … Continue reading

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Two new shopping datasets with taxonomy

This is just to let you know that I have added two new transaction datasets to the SPMF datasets webpage: Those are two customer transaction datasets obtained by transforming the data from the instacart competition that was held on Kaggle in 2017. … Continue reading

Posted in Database, Pattern Mining, spmf | Leave a comment

How to deal with unethical reviewers? The good example of the EAAI journal

Today, I will talk about a problem that has been plaguing many academic journals in recent years. It is that several unethical reviewers are asking authors to cite several of their papers to boost their citation count. I previous wrote … Continue reading

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CSRankings: still a biased ranking

Today, I will write about a ranking called CSRankings, which is used by some people to rank computer science programs from different universities. That ranking has some interesting aspects such that its code and data is open to the public, … Continue reading

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The story of the most influential paper award of PAKDD 2024

Recently, I have attended the PAKDD 2024 conference, where I was happy to receive the most influential paper award with my co-authors. This award is a test of time type of award that is given to the paper from PAKDD … Continue reading

Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A brief report about PAKDD 2024

This week, I have attended PAKDD 2024 in the city of Taipei. It was a great conference with good keynote speakers, activities and opportunities for learning and networking. In this blog post, I will give a brief overview of the … Continue reading

Posted in Big data, Conference, Data Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Report on the UDML 2024 workshop @ PAKDD 2024

Today, was the 6th International Workshop on Utility-Driven Mining and Learning (UDML 2024), held at the PAKDD 2024 conference. The workshop was a success. There was many people in attendance (around 20), which is good considering that PAKDD is not … Continue reading

Posted in Conference, Pattern Mining, Utility Mining | Leave a comment

Upcoming SPMF features for v.2.62 – More Dataset Stats Tools

Today, I just want to talk to you about some upcoming features of the next SPMF version, which will be called 2.62. Some feature that I have currently adding is more tools to calculate statistics about datasets, as you can … Continue reading

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