Tag Archives: editor

How to deal with unethical reviewers? The good example of the EAAI journal

Today, I will talk about a problem that has been plaguing many academic journals in recent years. It is that several unethical reviewers are asking authors to cite several of their papers to boost their citation count. I previous wrote … Continue reading

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What I learned from being a journal editor for two years?

For over two years, I have worked as associate editor-in-chief for a major journal published by Springer. For this job, I have handled around 500 papers from all the steps of the review process. Recently, I have decided to stop … Continue reading

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Why Journal Special Issues are Popular?

In this blog post, I will talk about journal special issues. I will talk about how special issues of journals are organized and why it can be good to submit to or organize academic journal special issues. What is a … Continue reading

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