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- Vertical and horizontal databases in itemset mining
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- End of my term as associate editor for Array
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- Introduction to the K-Means clustering algorithm (with Java code) | The Data Blog on Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey)
- Categorical data clustering: 25 years beyond K-modes (a survey) | The Data Blog on Introduction to the K-Means clustering algorithm (with Java code)
- Joop on A simple BAT script to unzip ZIP files in all sub-directories
- Vertical and horizontal databases in itemset mining | The Data Blog on Introduction to the Apriori algorithm (with Java code)
- Philippe Fournier-Viger on What is a maximal itemset?
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Tag Archives: papers
Unethical services in academia
Today, some people contacted me on LinkedIn to ask me if I have any papers where I could sell the authorship. I was quite amazed that someone would ask me that… But I have heard that it is something that … Continue reading
Posted in Academia, Research
Tagged academia, articles, authorship, ethic, papers, publishing
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The problem with Short Papers
Today, I will talk briefly about short papers at academic conferences, and the problems that they create (in my opinion). For those who don’t know, several conferences can reject or accept papers as short or full papers. A short paper … Continue reading
Posted in Academia, Research
Tagged academia, papers, publisher, research papaers, reviews, short papers
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Key Papers about Episode Mining
This post presents the key papers about episode mining. If you are not familiar with what is episode mining, it is a data mining task, which aims at finding patterns in a sequence of events or symbols . A short … Continue reading
Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining
Tagged big data, data mining, data science, episode, literature, Minepi, papers, pattern mining, patterns, references, winepi
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Writing a research paper (3) – the abstract
In this blog post, I will continue the discussion of how to write research papers. I will discuss the importance of writing a good abstract for research papers, common errors, and give some tips. Why the abstract is important? The abstract is often overlooked but it is one … Continue reading
How to publish in top conferences/journals? (Part 2) – The opportunity cost of research
Many researchers wish to produce high quality papers and have a great research impact. But how? In a previous blog post, I have discussed how the “blue ocean strategy” can be applied to publish in top conference/journal. In this blog post, I will discuss another important concept for producing … Continue reading
Posted in Academia, Research
Tagged academia, articles, papers, publications, Research, researcher
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Write more papers or write better papers? (quantity vs quality)
In this blog post, I will discuss an important question for young researchers, which is: Is it better to try to write more papers or to try to write fewer but better papers? In other words, what is more important: quantity or quality in research? To answer this question, I will first explain why quantity and quality are important, and then … Continue reading
How to choose a conference for publishing research papers?
Today, I will discuss how to choose conferences for publishing papers. It is important to make good choices because it can have a huge impact on a researcher’s career. There are several things to consider for choosing a conference. First, does … Continue reading
Posted in General, Research
Tagged articles, conference, papers, publications, research papers