Category Archives: Academia

How to deal with unethical reviewers? The good example of the EAAI journal

Today, I will talk about a problem that has been plaguing many academic journals in recent years. It is that several unethical reviewers are asking authors to cite several of their papers to boost their citation count. I previous wrote … Continue reading

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CSRankings: still a biased ranking

Today, I will write about a ranking called CSRankings, which is used by some people to rank computer science programs from different universities. That ranking has some interesting aspects such that its code and data is open to the public, … Continue reading

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Is EasyChair still good?

Today, I will talk about EasyChair, one of the oldest conference management systems, used in academia, especially in computer science (founded in 2002). As many other researchers, I have been a user of EasyChair for over a decade, especially as … Continue reading

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ChatGPT, LLMs and homework

Today, I want to talk briefly about ChatGPT and similar large language models (LLMs) and how they are used by students in universities. From what I observe, I believe that many students are using LLMs in universities nowadays. Among this, … Continue reading

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When ChatGPT is used to write papers…

Today, I want to share with you something funny but also alarming. It is that some papers published in academic journals contains text indicating that parts were apparently written by LLMs. The first example is this paper “The three-dimensional porous … Continue reading

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The importance of using standard terminology in research papers

Today, I will talk about the importance of using standard terminology in research papers in computer science. The idea to talk about this on the blog came after reading an interesting letter about research on optimization called “Metaphor‑based metaheuristics, a … Continue reading

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Your social network on DBLP as a graph

Today, I discovered an interesting function of DBLP which is to draw your social network as a graph (assuming that you have a DBLP page). To use that feature, it is simple. Open your DBLP webpage, and then click here … Continue reading

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Fake reviews…

Today, I would like to talk about something that happens sometimes in academic journals, which is fake reviews. While many reviewers spend time to write reviews that provide a fair evaluation of papers, some reviewers have a very unethical behavior … Continue reading

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As a speaker, we should always be ready for the unexpected…

I often say that as an invited speaker for a conference or as a teacher for a course, we need to be ready for the unexpected and be prepared for every situation that could happen. This means for example, to … Continue reading

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How to become a well-known researcher?

The other day, a young researcher asked me: what should I do to become a more well-known researcher in my field? In this blog post, I will try to answer that question. But before that, it should be said that … Continue reading

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