Category Archives: Academia

Some shortcomings of CSRankings

CSRankings is a popular website that provides a ranking of computer science departments around the world. The website can be found at: In this blog post, I will talk about this ranking and some of its shortcomings. Of course, … Continue reading

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My paper is rejected. Can I appeal the editor’s decision?

Today, I will talk about what to do when a paper is rejected from a journal, and more specifically if it is possible to appeal the editor’s decision, and then what are the chance of success? Generally, if a researcher … Continue reading

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How to propose a special issue for a journal?

Today, I will talk about how to propose a special issue for a journal. What is a special issue? A special issue is a collection of articles on a specific topic or theme that is published in a journal. Special … Continue reading

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Unethical services in academia

Today, some people contacted me on LinkedIn to ask me if I have any papers where I could sell the authorship. I was quite amazed that someone would ask me that… But I have heard that it is something that … Continue reading

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Unethical reviewers in academia (part 3)

Previously, I wrote two blog posts about unethical reviewers in academia (part 1 and part 2). It is not that I like this topic, but today, I will talk again about that. Why? Because, I keep encountering them, unfortunately. It … Continue reading

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Turnitin, a smart tool for plagiarism detection?

Plagiarism is a serious issue in academia. In this blog post, I will talk about Turnitin, a service used for plagiarism-checking by some journals and conferences in academia. I already wrote a blog post about this, which you can read … Continue reading

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Abnormal Google Scholar Profiles

Today, I will talk about signs that show that something is wrong or suspicious with some researchers based on their Google Scholar profiles. I will talk about this because I have recently received many CVs and while browsing Google Scholar, … Continue reading

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The problem with Short Papers

Today, I will talk briefly about short papers at academic conferences, and the problems that they create (in my opinion). For those who don’t know, several conferences can reject or accept papers as short or full papers. A short paper … Continue reading

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A Tool to Generate Reviews of Academic Papers

Writing reviews is important but sometimes repetitive and time-consuming. Hence, today I built a tool to help automatize the process of review writing. You can try it at the website below: The Review Generator ( ) This tool let … Continue reading

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What I learned from being a journal editor for two years?

For over two years, I have worked as associate editor-in-chief for a major journal published by Springer. For this job, I have handled around 500 papers from all the steps of the review process. Recently, I have decided to stop … Continue reading

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