Tag Archives: reviewer

How to deal with unethical reviewers? The good example of the EAAI journal

Today, I will talk about a problem that has been plaguing many academic journals in recent years. It is that several unethical reviewers are asking authors to cite several of their papers to boost their citation count. I previous wrote … Continue reading

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How to write answers to reviewers for a journal using LaTeX?

Today, I will explain how to write the answer to reviewers for an academic journal using Latex. The advantage of using Latex instead of a software like Microsoft Word to write answers to reviewers is that it allows using all … Continue reading

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What I learned from being a journal editor for two years?

For over two years, I have worked as associate editor-in-chief for a major journal published by Springer. For this job, I have handled around 500 papers from all the steps of the review process. Recently, I have decided to stop … Continue reading

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How to become a journal or conference reviewer?

Today, I will write a blog post aimed a young researchers, who want to know what is the work of a reviewer in academia, how to become a reviewer of international journals or conferences, and what are the benefits of being a reviewer. What … Continue reading

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Unethical Reviewers in Academia!

In this blog post, I will talk about a common problem in academia, which is the unethical behavior of some reviewers that ask authors to cite several of their papers. It is quite common that some reviewer will ask authors to cite his papers to increase his citation count. I have encountered this problem many times … Continue reading

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Unethical reviewers in academia

In this blog post, I will discuss about the importance of an ethical review process in academia, and the problem of unethical reviewers. I will share some stories about some unethical reviewers in journals and conferences. Peer review in academia The process of peer review in academia … Continue reading

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How to review a research paper?

Today, I will discuss the task of reviewing papers in academia. I will discuss why it is important to review papers, and then give tips about how to review papers and also talk about what a reviewer should do and should not do. This topic is important … Continue reading

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Conference reviewers procrastinate?

Today, I will  write about the work of reviewers for scientific conferences. As you probably know, when a researcher submit a paper to a conference, the paper is assigned to usually three or more reviewers. The program chair of the … Continue reading

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