Category Archives: open-source

SPMF 2.62 is released!

This is a short blog post to announce that SPMF 2.62 is released, and can be downloaded from the SPMF website‘s download page. The previous version of SPMF (2.60) introduced a lot of new features, also with some code refactoring, … Continue reading

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My research is open-source

Since the last decade, I have taken the decision to publish most of the algorithms that I develop in my research, freely, as part of the open-source SPMF data mining software that I have founded. The goal is that anyone … Continue reading

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Sneak peak at the new user interface of SPMF (part 3)

Today, I would like to talk to you about another upcoming feature of the next version of SPMF (2.60), which will be released soon. It will be a Workflow Editor that will allow the user to select multiple algorithms from … Continue reading

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SPMF: upcoming feature: The Memory Viewer

Today, I would like to introduce an upcoming feature that will be released in the next version of SPMF (v. 2.60). It is a tool called the Memory Viewer. This tool is very simple yet useful for investigating the performance … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, open-source, Pattern Mining, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SPMF’s architecture (5) The Graphical User Interface

This is the fifth post of a series of blog posts about the architecture of the SPMF data mining library. Today, I will specifically talk about the graphical user interface of SPMF, its main components and how it interacts with … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Java, open-source, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SPMF 3.0: Towards even more efficiency

In this blog post, I will talk about the future of SPMF. I do this once in a while. Today, I will discuss on the performance of SPMF. Performance A main focus of SPMF is and has always been efficiency … Continue reading

Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Java, open-source, spmf | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

SPMF’s architecture (4) The MemoryLogger

Today, I will continue the series of blog posts to explain the architecture of the SPMF data mining library, and I will talk in particular about a module in SPMF called the MemoryLogger. This module is responsible for recording the … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, open-source, Pattern Mining, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SPMF’s architecture (3) The Preference Manager

This is the third of a series of blog posts about the architecture of the SPMF data mining library. Today, I will explain the role of another an internal module in SPMF, called the Preference Manager. This module is used … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Java, open-source, Pattern Mining, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SPMF’s architecture (2) The Main class and the Command Processor

In this blog post, I will continue explaining the architecture of the SPMF data mining library. In the previous post, I have introduced a key component of SPMF called the Algorithm Manager, which manages all the algorithms offered in SPMF. … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, open-source, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

SPMF’s architecture (1) The Algorithm Manager

In this new series of blog posts, I will talk about the architecture of the SPMF data mining library, and in particular, I will talk about the AlgorithmManager, which is a key component of SPMF, which manages all the algorithms … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Java, open-source, Pattern Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments