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Tag Archives: frequent pattern mining
(video) Identifying Stable Periodic Frequent Patterns using SPP-Growth
Today, I present a video about finding stable periodic patterns in data, and discuss a new algorithm named SPP-Growth for this task. VIDEO LINK: The SPP-Growth algorithm and datasets for evaluating its performance are available in the SPMF software, which is open-source and programmed in Java. Source code and … Continue reading
25 years of pattern mining
This year, we are in 2019, and it is already 25 years since Agrawal wrote his seminal papers on frequent itemset mining and association rule mining in 1994. Since then, there has been thousands of papers published on this topic, some about algorithm design, new pattern mining … Continue reading
(video) Mining Frequent Itemsets with the Apriori algorithm
This is a video presentation of the Apriori algorithm for discovering frequent itemsets in data. Frequent itemset mining is one of the most popular data mining task. VIDEO LINK: The Java source code of the Apriori algorithm and datasets for evaluating its performance are available in the SPMF software. If you want … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining, Video
Tagged algorithm, apriori, big data, data mining, data science, frequent pattern mining, frequent patterns, video
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An Introduction to Sequential Pattern Mining
In this blog post, I will give an introduction to sequential pattern mining, an important data mining task with a wide range of applications from text analysis to market basket analysis. This blog post is aimed to be a short introduction. If you want to read a more … Continue reading
An Introduction to High-Utility Itemset Mining
In this blog post, I will give an introduction about a popular problem in data mining, which is called “high-utility itemset mining” or more generally utility mining. I will give an overview of this problem, explains why it is interesting, and provide source code of … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Research, Utility Mining
Tagged data mining, datasets, frequent pattern mining, high-utility mining, itemset mining, java, open-source, source code, spmf, utility mining
How to auto-adjust the minimum support threshold according to the data size
Today, I will do a quick post on how to automatically adjust the minimum support threshold of frequent pattern mining algorithms such as Apriori, FPGrowth and PrefixSpan according to the size of the data. The problem is simple. Let’s consider … Continue reading
Posted in Data Mining, Programming
Tagged apriori, fpgrowth, frequent pattern mining, itemset mining, minsup, prefixspan