Tag Archives: sequential patterns

How to Analyze the Complexity of Pattern Mining Algorithms?

Today, I will explain how to analyze the complexity of pattern mining algorithms for topics such as itemset mining, sequential pattern mining, subgraph mining, sequential rule mining and periodic pattern mining. This is something that is often asked by reviewers … Continue reading

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An Introduction to Sequential Pattern Mining

In this blog post, I will give an introduction to sequential pattern mining, an important data mining task with a wide range of applications from text analysis to market basket analysis.  This blog post is aimed to be a short introduction. If you want to read a more … Continue reading

Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Pattern Mining | Tagged , , , , | 20 Comments

Discovering and visualizing sequential patterns in web log data using SPMF and GraphViz

Today, I will show how to use the open-source SPMF data mining software to discover sequential patterns in web log data. Then, I will show to how visualize the frequent sequential patterns found using GraphViz. Step 1 :  getting the … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Java, open-source, Programming, spmf | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

An introduction to frequent pattern mining

In this blog post, I will give a brief overview of an important subfield of data mining that is  called pattern mining.  Pattern mining consists of using/developing data mining algorithms to discover interesting,  unexpected and useful patterns in databases. Pattern … Continue reading

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