I have made two new videos to explain interesting topics about pattern mining. The first video is an introduction to sequential rule mining, while the second video explains in more details how the CMRules algorithm for sequential rule mining works!

You can watch the videos here:
- An Introduction to Sequential Rule Mining (pdf / ppt / video – 33 min )
- The CMRules algorithm (pdf / ppt / video – 32 min)
And you can also find them on my Youtube Channel.
If you want to try these algorithms, you can check the SPMF open-source software, which offers fast implementations of these algorithms.
Hope you will enjoy the videos. I will make more videos about pattern mining soon. By the way, you can also check my website about The Pattern Mining course. It gives videos and slides for a free online course on pattern mining. It explains all the main topics about pattern mining and is good for students who are starting to do research in this area. But this course is in beta version, which means that I am still updating it. More videos and content will be added over time.
Philippe Fournier-Viger is a distinguished professor working in China and founder of the SPMF open source data mining software.
Hello,professor. I did not find a sequence rule mining algorithm with time constraints on the spmf website. Will it be uploaded later? Is there a sequence rule mining algorithm with time constraints similar to the one mentioned in this paper “Rule discovery from time series” , I am a graduate student, just want to use it as an experiment, and found that there are almost no similar codes on the Internet
Good evening,
Sorry for the late reply. I somehow did not see the comments earlier and was very busy. Yes, there are not many rules for the sequential rules with time. I had a very quick look at the papers that you mentioned, and I think maybe the closest thing is the episode rule mining algorithm. The input of episode rule mining is a sequence of events with timestamps. I think it is similar to that paper and also the type of rule appears to be similar and also has a window constraint. So I would recommend to check the episode rules. There are a few algorithms for that in SPMF. Maybe it can be used as comparative algorithm(s) for your study.
In the short term, I do not have plan to add more of this type of algorithms because I am not working on this at the moment. Generally, I add some new algorithms when I start to work on a topic, or when some people send me some code to be included in SPMF. If you ever implement some algorithms, you are also welcome to include them in SPMF. The goal of SPMF is to save time to all researchers by sharing the code. The more we share code, the more it is easier for everyone to reuse the code and avoid programming the same algorithms over and over again. 😉
Best regards