Category Archives: Data Mining

K-Means Interactive Demo in your browser

In this blog post, I introduce a new interactive tool for showing a demonstration of the K-Means algorithm for students (for teaching purposes). The K-Means clustering demo tool can be accessed here: The K-Means demo, first let you enter … Continue reading

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SPMF: upcoming feature: The Memory Viewer

Today, I would like to introduce an upcoming feature that will be released in the next version of SPMF (v. 2.60). It is a tool called the Memory Viewer. This tool is very simple yet useful for investigating the performance … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, open-source, Pattern Mining, spmf | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

An Online Demo of the Eclat Algorithm

I have created a new interactive webpage to demonstrate how the Eclat algorithm is applied for frequent itemset mining. This webpage allows to enter a transaction database, select the minimum support and to see step by step what the Eclat … Continue reading

Posted in Big data, Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining, Research | Leave a comment

An Interactive Demo of The Apriori algorithm

I have created a new website for students that provides an interactive demo of the Apriori algorithm. It allows to run Apriori in your browser and see the results step by step. The website is here: Apriori Algorithm Demo To … Continue reading

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An Online Tool to Draw FP-Trees

This blog post is to introduce a new tool made of HTML5 and JavaScript for drawing FP-trees, which you can access here: If you are not familiar with FP-trees, the FP-tree is a data structure used in the field of … Continue reading

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How to count the frequency of words and ngrams in a text document? – Two online tools

I have added two new webpages offering tools to count the frequency of each word and ngrams (consecutive sequences of words) in a text document. These webpages can be found here: The Word Frequency Counter First, let me show you … Continue reading

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A Glossary of High Utility Pattern Mining

Today, I present a glossary of key terms usedin high utility itemset mining. This glossary will be useful to researchers and practitioners working on this important subtopic of pattern mining. By the way, if you are new to this research … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining, Utility Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What are Generator Itemsets?

Today, I will briefly explain what is a generator itemset. I will give some example and explain why generator itemsets are interesting and useful for some applications. I will also mention that efficient implementations can be found in the SPMF … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Pattern Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to find cost-effective patterns in data?

Have you ever wondered how to find patterns in data that are not only frequent but also profitable and cost-effective? For example, if you are an online retailer, you may want to know what products are often bought together by … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining, spmf, Utility Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What is a Closed Itemset and Why is it Useful?

In this blog post, I will explain in simple terms what is a closed itemset and give some examples. I will also mention a few algorithms that can be used to find closed itemsets and that they can be found … Continue reading

Posted in Data Mining, Data science, Pattern Mining | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments