K-Means Interactive Demo in your browser

In this blog post, I introduce a new interactive tool for showing a demonstration of the K-Means algorithm for students (for teaching purposes).

The K-Means clustering demo tool can be accessed here:


The K-Means demo, first let you enter a list of 2 dimensional data points in the range of [0,10] or to generate 100 random data points:

Then the user can choose the value of K, adjusts other settings, and run the K-Means algorithm.

The result is then displayed for each iteration, step by step. Each cluster is represented by a different color. The SSE (Sum of Squared Error) is displayed, and the centroids of clusters are illustrated by the + symbol. For example, this is the result on the provided example dataset:

Because K-Means is a randomized algorithm, if we run it again the result may be different:

Now, let me show you the feature of generating random points. If I click the button for generating a random dataset and run K-Means, the result may look like this:

And again, because K-Means is randomized, I may execute it again on the same random dataset and get a different result:

I think that this simple tool can be useful for illustrating how the K-Means algorithm works to students. You may try it. It is simple to use and allows to visualize the result and clustering process. Hope that it will be useful!

Philippe Fournier-Viger is a distinguished professor working in China and founder of the SPMF open source data mining software.

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