“Pattern Mining :Theory and Practice” (textbook in Thai, with SPMF)

Hi all, this is to announce that a new textbook in Thai has been published about pattern mining, which includes many examples using the SPMF software. The textbook named “Pattern Mining: Theory and Practice” is written by teacher Panida Songram from Mahasarakham University (Thailand) and can be used for teaching or self-learning, for students or practitionners. I have known the auhor for many years and I am very happy that she let me host a copy of the book that you can download from this link:
Pattern Mining: Theory and Pratice (PDF, 14.2 MB),

The book gives a good coverage of pattern mining. It explains algorithms but also contains many practical examples about how to use SPMF. Some key topics in the book are itemset miningsequential pattern mining and multi-dimensional sequential pattern mining.

That is all I wanted to share for today. If you can read Thai, I highly recommend to download this book. 😉

Philippe Fournier-Viger is a computer science professor and founder of the SPMF open-source data mining library, which offers more than 170 algorithms for analyzing data, implemented in Java.

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2 Responses to “Pattern Mining :Theory and Practice” (textbook in Thai, with SPMF)

  1. Zehong Zheng says:

    Dear Professor Philippe Fournier-Viger:
    Thank you for reading!
    I am a second-year postgraduate from China.
    My research is focused on association rules or sequential pattern mining. I am great honored to read your blog and find open source code with your help. At the same time, I would like to ask you a question about the sequential pattern reference books.
    Thank you very much for your kind consideration and I am looking forward to your early reply.
    All the best,
    Zehong Zheng

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