The KDDCup 2015 dataset

The KDD cup 2015 dataset is about MOOC dropout prediction. I have  had recently found that the dataset had been offline on the official website. Thus, I have uploaded a copy of the KDD cup 2015 dataset on my website. You can download it below.

I don’t have other information on this dataset besides what is provided above. If you want to share ideas with others or ask questions you can use the comment section below.

Hope that the dataset is useful! 🙂

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6 Responses to The KDDCup 2015 dataset

  1. lgq says:

    can’t download

    • Hi, the download link is working.

      If you are using Chrome or similar browsers, then Chrome is blocking the download of the zip file. In that case, you need to right click on the download and select “keep”, then Chrome will allow you to download it normally.


  2. Jiahao says:

    This is really helpful! Thank you very much!

  3. TNTcraft says:

    You saved my research man, THANK A TON!!!

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