This is a video presentation of the paper “Mining Correlated High-Utility Itemsets Using the bond Measure” about correlated high utility pattern mining using FCHM.
More information about the FCHM algorithm are provided in this research paper:
Fournier-Viger, P., Zhang, Y., Lin, J. C.-W., Dinh, T., Le, B. (2018) Mining Correlated High-Utility Itemsets Using Various Correlation Measures. Logic Journal of the IGPL, Oxford Academic, to appear
The source code of FCHM and datasets are available in the SPMF software.
I will post videos about other high utility itemset mining algorithms in the near future, so stay tuned!
Philippe Fournier-Viger is a professor, data mining researcher and the founder of the SPMF data mining software, which includes more than 150 algorithms for pattern mining.