This week, besides IEA AIE 2022, I am also participating to the SMARTDSC 2022 conference (5th international conference on Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication) as general co-chair and keynote speaker. I will give a brief report about this conference in this post.

What is SMART-DSC?
SMARTDSC is a conference organized by the KL (deemed to be) University in India in collaboration with several international researchers. This is the fifth edition of the conference. The conference focuses on data science, communication and smart technologies and the quality is good. This year, over 150 papers have been received and less than 20% have been accepted for oral presentation, which makes this conference competitive. The proceedings are also published by Springer, which ensures indexing and a good visibility for papers.
The accepted papers are from oven ten different states in India and also from 5 other countries. There is also an excellent line-up of eight keynote speakers for the conference from various countries including Turkey, Egypt, China, France, and Malaysia.

The first keynote talk was by Shumaila Javaid affliated to Shanghai Research Institute for Intelligent Autonomous Systems in China. The talk was about medical sensors and their integration for pervasive healthcare. This was a quite interesting topic has it has the real-life applications that may change lives.

Then, I gave a keynote talk about the automatic discovery of interesting patterns in data. Here are a few slides of my talk where I introduced various topics.

There was then several paper presentations followed by other keynote talks. I will try to add more details about these presentations later, in this blog post. The SMART DSC conference is held for three days. I am attending the conference at different moments during these three days as I have to participate to two conferences at the same time (SMARTDSC 2022 and IEA AIE 2022).
On overall, SMARTDSC 2022 is an interesting conference. It is especially great for participants in India for the convenience of travelling but it is also international with several participants, and keynote speakers from abroad. I am happy to participate to it.
Philippe Fournier-Viger is a full professor working in China and founder of the SPMF open source data mining software.